PROVERBS 6:2- You are snared by the words of your mouth; You are taken by the words of your mouth.


Last Sunday morning, as I was preparing for church and ruminating over this week’s blog post, the Holy Spirit took me down this vortex of thoughts and scenarios.


Of everything I got, one question stood out, if God does not do what you want, when you want or what He has done before, WILL YOUR SONG CHANGE? This is under the pretext you have already had a testimony in that thing.


Imagine a scenario where you have been working faithfully and putting all arrogance aside; you have proven yourself and deserve that promotion but they just seem to have always overlooked you and one day after 12 years of faithfulness, the Lord glorifies you and that promotion you never seemed to quite get comes to you and not only that it comes with unexpected benefits and it’s like the windows of heaven have opened and poured out such a blessing.

Now, this is where we as believers give our testimony which in itself is beautiful, wonderful and biblical, the book of Revelations 12:11 says and they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.


But then again as believers and this is the part, I find humorous, we utter these bodacious statements loudly and to anybody who will listen about the goodness/ faithfulness of God, and we do not realise heaven and hell are not only listening but taking notes. I am convinced that God is good and faithful.


And so, like Job, there is a discourse between God our Father and our enemy Satan, God is pleased we love him so and the enemy is saying to God, “but, there is a hedge of protection and provision around that person,” and then comes the test.


After this it seems again like overnight you are back to where you started, it is even worse off this time because now humiliation is an added component of that. Your loved ones are saying you did something wrong to God and curse God so that you can die. When this happens, does your song change?


Remember, a few paragraphs above you were singing ‘How Great Thou Art’ and “thank you Lord- my God is good to me” now that your fortunes have changed what is your song?


Heaven and hell are watching how you respond in this season, this is where track records are built. Before you were speaking out of excitement but now, we will see if your word means anything. Are you singing, “does God really exist, or did I imagine Him,” or are you singing, “I know my redeemer liveth and in Christ alone the solid rock I stand?”


We must be conscious of the songs we sing because the onus is really on us to come through this victorious, like Abraham let God say about you, “now I know so and so truly loves me.” We all know what happened to Abraham, Job and even Jesus after God said a statement about them. They took hold of the promise of God.

Abraham was the father of the nations, Job had everything restored to Him and Jesus was exalted above every name so that every knee bows in heaven, on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confesses that He is our Lord and Saviour.

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